Web App Tours for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones just added!

Web App Tours for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones just added!

Apps have changed the world we live in – no doubt.  But, an app is not always the solution for everything.  That’s why we have just added a web app to our arsenal of products.  The content for the web app, just like our iOS and Android apps, comes from the user friendly App Builder Website.  Now a walking tour, city guide or event tour can be accessed through a URL in the browser.


Here are some key questions to understanding a web app and how it can work for various situations.


What is a web app?

A web app is an application that can be accessed through the internet.  It’s basically a webpage with functionality similar to an app.  All you need is a web address – no download necessary.


How is a web app different from an app?

You do NOT have to download a web app.  It runs on the internet in the browser.  It can also be viewed on any device with a browser like a desktop computer.  An app (like ours for iOS and Android) must be downloaded.  Apps for the App Store and Google Play are not compatible with desktop computers. Once our iOS and Android app is downloaded it does not require the internet.


What are the benefits of a web app?

Lots. Users do not have to download a web app.  The web app can be viewed on a desktop computer and users can take a virtual tour from their desktop.


What are the limitations of a web app?

You MUST have internet.  In the mountains with spotty internet?  Bad idea.  In a city with citywide wifi available – perfect solution.


Contact us now to launch your web app: